Share the Joy of Eid: Donate Qurbani to Widows and Orphans

Donate 1 Share of Qurbani to those Orphans in Need and make this Eid a time of great delight for our widows and orphans.

As a Qurbani charity, we recognise that many families living in abject poverty do not have the means to participate in Eid-al-Adha. With your help, we will carefully select an animal and distribute the meat locally to needy widows and orphans. Our teams always ensure that the meat is sourced locally, meaning that the benefit of your donation is not only felt by the supported families but also by their local communities, too.

1 Share of 1/7 of a Cow – 10,000 TK


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৳ 2,000 raised of ৳ 10,000 goal

৳ 8,000 to go

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