
Celebrating 1000 Children’s Education Supported this Universal Children’s Day

  • Mastul Foundation
  • |
  • January 10, 2022

MASTUL Foundation is Celebrating Universal Children’s Day for two reasons. Firstly, MASTUL Child Sponsorship Program now supports over 1000 children. And secondly, Shishumela Sharabela is expected to gather thousands of children for a day of fun and bonding. The event will take place on Saturday, 29th of January, 2022, from 9 am to 6 pm at Rabindra Sarabar, Dhanmondi Lake.

1000+ children’s education supported:

The program supports 1100 children so far out of which 60% are girls and 40% are boys. The children come from all across Bangladesh. MASTUL expresses its gratitude to the child sponsors for giving children a bright future. MASTUL also Encourages everyone to sponsor a child with only 1000 taka 13 USD a month to ensure their education.

Shishumela Sharabela

The second reason for celebrating universal children’s day is the mass gathering of children organized by MASTUL Foundation called Shishumela Sharabela. The cultural event will be a day of fun for children to bond, express themselves and learn through entertainment. MASTUL welcomes parents to bring their children to this marry event celebrating Universal Children’s Day.


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The City Bank PLC

Acc Name: MASTUL Foundation

Acc No: 1401873750001

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Routing Number: 225263527


Islami Bank PLC

Acc Name: MASTUL Foundation

Acc No: 20502050204462112

Dhanmondi Branch


Routing Number: 125261182

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