
Honourable Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud inaugurated the MASTUL School and Shelter Home

  • MASTUL Foundation
  • |
  • February 15, 2023


A considerable number of orphans and poor children are getting the chance to free education through MASTUL Foundation. And it is a milestone that honourable Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud has officially inaugurated the journey of MASTUL School and Shelter Home. 

Yes, for a longer time, Mr Hasan Mahmud is notifying the social activities of the MASTUL Foundation. Especially, educating orphans and poor children grabs his kind attention. And he decided to spend some quality time with all of these underprivileged children. 

From this perspective on the day of World Valentine, he visited the MASTUL School and Shelter Home and officially inaugurate it. After the inauguration, he and his wife talked to the children and presented flowers and gifts to them. 

MASTUL Foundaur Kazi Reaz Rahman gave a warm welcome to him. He also described the others projects and activities of the MASTUL Foundation. 

For these overall activities, honourable Minister Dr Hasan MAHMUD highly praised and encouraged MASTUL Foundation to carry on this Nobel Journey.  

He also said why he choose this valentine’s day for this visit.  Because he wanted to express his love and feelings for those children who are deprived of many aspects.

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