
Iftar Distribution Report 2021

  • Mastul Foundation
  • |
  • May 24, 2021


25000 iftar food packages were distributed among underprivileged and hungry people in the month of Ramadan outside of Dhaka and within. This incredible feat of humanity would not have been possible if not for BRANDYLANE and Western Union and the vehicle that they have given for the food distribution work. The volunteers of MASTUL worked tirelessly to deliver the food to the people of Bangladesh. The combined effort of organizations aligns with the 17th sustainable development goal of “Partnerships for the goals” and together we fought for the 2nd sustainable development goals of “Zero hunger”.

Total Area Covered

Below, the locations where the food packages have been distributed are listed. Each day, 800+ Iftar food packages were given out.



  • Dhanmondi 8, 32
  • Kamrangir char
  • Tali office
  • Hazaribagh
  • Beribadh
  • Dhaka University
  • Kamal khaner bosti
  • Bottola, methor potti
  • Takwa mosque, Dhanmondi 32
  • Kamrangirchar nadir par
  • Lalbag, methorpotti, seksion
  • Mirpur, Mirpur DOHS
  • Azimpur methorpotti



Outside Dhaka: 


  • Pabna
  • Gazipur
  • Shirajganj char area
  • Hatkhola bazar Pabna
  • Narayanganj
  • Tangail
  • Brahmanbaria
  • Feni sadar


Overall Compact of The Event

The event lasted for a month. Everyday the volunteers of MASTUL set out to a brand new destination to deliver iftar food packages to the underprivileged people of Bangladesh. The mode of transportation that was given to MASTUL generated a lot of attention everyday. People wanted to know who the people were giving out food. A common occurrence was the gathering of children around the vehicle. The volunteers enjoyed the energy that the children gave out.

The work was a bit difficult as the volunteers were fasting. Sometimes the weather did not favor them while working hard. Regardless, they did what they had to do as there were hungry people who needed food on time.

The out of Dhaka trips were wonderful and the volunteers were able to experience the natural beauty of out of Dhaka locations. The food distribution was done with precaution as corona is still a big issue.

Overall the whole event was a great success as we were able to provide 25,000+ food packages all around the country with the Mary spirit of the holy month of Ramadan. People all across the country now know about Western Union, BRANDYLANE and MASTUL. It is not just the beneficiaries but also the people who witnessed the joyful occurrence. We are grateful to Western Union and BRANDYLANE for understanding the need for humanitarian support for the people of Corona affected Bangladesh in the month of Ramadan, and supporting MASTUL in implementing what is necessary.


Thank you

Other ways to donate


The City Bank PLC

Acc Name: MASTUL Foundation

Acc No: 1401873750001

New Market Branch


Routing Number: 225263527


Islami Bank PLC

Acc Name: MASTUL Foundation

Acc No: 20502050204462112

Dhanmondi Branch


Routing Number: 125261182

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