2012 – Founding Year
Formation of the MASTUL Foundation ।। Clebrating MASTUL’s Founder Birthday with street children

2013 – One Year celebration
Started volunteering initiatives ।। Tree-planting projects ।। Feeding programs
2014 – Unleashing Social Transformation
First Blood Donation Campai।। winter cloth distribution ।।Commencement of MASTUL Social Force
2015- Pioneering Progress
Initiated Iftar programs ।। Celebrated World Children’s Day
2016- Embracing New Endeavors
Launched School Program।। Child Sponsorship initiatives।। Relief for flood victims

2017- 5th Anniversary
Rohingya Repatriation।। Relief Distribution।।Ramadan Charity
2018- Exceeding Expectations
Started Sewing Training Program।। Zakat Empowerment Program

2019- Commencement Official Journey
Launched shelter home, Mehmankhana, First Qurabani endeavor ।।Commenced Mastulaid
2020-Emergence as COVID-19 Heroes
Burial Dead Bodies।। Relief Distribution।। Oxygen and Ambulance Services।। Joy Bangla Youth Award 2020

2021: COVID-19 frontline warriors
Provided burial, ambulance, and oxygen services ||Tube well setup and Mosque Construction||Provided Wheelchairs to Handicapped Individuals
2022- 10th Anniversary of MASTUL Foundation
Cricketer Sakib Al-Hassan became MASTUL Advisor|| Relief and Resettlement in Sunamganj Flood

2023: Elevating every undertaken initiative
Empowered 1000 Beneficiaries|| Provided Iftar to 7500 People|| Transformed Mastul School Higher Secondary Grade