Sponsor a Child in need
By sponsoring a child you can help a child to attend school to get his education without any risk of dropout.
In our child sponsorship program you can provide support for a child and his community.

How do we imply your donation?
6500 Taka Orphan Sponsorship:
- Education purpose: 1000/ BDT
- Food:2000/BDT
- Extra Curriculum Activites:1500/BDT
- Hygiene: 1500/BDT
- Medical: 500/BDT
7500 Taka for Hafez’s Sponsorship:
- Education purpose (general line: 1000/ BDT
- Education purpose (for Hafezi):1000/BDT
- Food: 2000/BDT
- Medical Fees:500/BDT
- Extra Curricular activities:1500/BDT
- Hygiene:1500/BDT
Child Development Program
Hygiene Practice & Training

Medical Checkups

Nutritious Food

Education Assistance

Safe Drinking Water

What is the cost of the child sponsorship?
The amount of sponsoring a child is BDT 1000 or USD 13 per month.
FAQ About Child Sponsor
This program provides quality education sponsorship for underprivileged children from poorest family and they are studying from play to 5 in different schools. These children are good at the study but struggling for the educational support which is very needed to continue their study. Some of them want to be a doctor, engineer and other wants to do something for society. They are growing with the chain of poverty as their parents are working as a daily laborer, hawker, small vendors and rickshaw/van puller.
This program will allow these children to study well and to be self-reliant to earn for their family in future and achieve their goals or dream.
You can read a child simply visiting our website ( Sponsor A Child ). As there are many child profiles updated in our website with child’s information, photo, says and story. You can also search for a child by age, class and birth date. We ensure you that our every child is in need as most of them lives in the same community.
If you don’t have any choose or you are unable to choose any specific child we request you to contact with our sponsorship dept. (+8801730 48 22 79). We will meet you and show the profile of child we preferred for you.
A copy of signing the paper for Child Sponsorship.
Childs details
Thank you card from Child
Quarterly you will get an envelope along with the below-described documents.
Child’s letter / Drawing.
Greetings card.
Wish card/hand printing
Program’s monthly report / Newsletter
You will be receiving the first envelope of this program within 2/3 weeks after beginning your sponsorship.
Our mission of child sponsorship and development program is to support a child until he/she become self-reliant, skilled and efficient to stand on his/her own under the umbrella of personal, organizational or government support. It means supporting financially for education, health, and economic security. With this program, an individual can contribute to the development of community people in addition to helping a child.
Our direct cost to sponsor a child is BDT 1000 or USD 13, who lives with their family. Each of them has a dream to study, but the chain of poverty does not give the opportunity to study them. Their family does not have the necessary support to send their children to school. We ask you to contribute to our CSP program with an amount of BDT 1000 or USD 13 monthly.
MASTUL Foundation also requires a non-refundable USD 39 (BDT 3,000) Transition Deposit at the beginning of each new sponsorship.