Terms and Conditions of Child Sponsorship


  1. Each child sponsorship costs $13 USD per month and may either be paid in monthly installments or on a yearly basis, at $150 USD per year. Although each eligible child’s circumstances and needs are different, your sponsorship funds ensure that the child will be able to attend school equipped with proper uniforms, books, and basic supplies. These funds also ensure that sponsored children will have access to adequate food, water, healthcare (including counseling and eye care), and caseworkers to monitor their well-being.


  1. Transition Deposit: MASTUL Foundation requires a non-refundable $39 USD Transition Deposit at the beginning of each new sponsorship. The Transition Deposit provides a small backup fund from which MASTUL Foundation can draw to support a sponsored child in the case that a sponsor wishes to terminate their sponsorship and/or is no longer able to provide sponsorship payments. The Transition Deposit ensures that MASTUL Foundation will have adequate funds readily available to support the child while seeking and securing a new sponsor.

In the case that a sponsored child graduates from MASTUL Foundation’s programs and/or is no longer eligible for sponsorship for any other reason, sponsors may choose to either continue serving as a sponsor with a new child, in which MASTUL Foundation will transfer the prior Transition Deposit to the new sponsorship or to discontinue serving as a sponsor, in which the Transition Deposit will be re-routed as a donation to MASTUL Foundation.

  1. Minimum Time Commitment: In order to provide eligible children in our sponsorship program with reliable support, we require all sponsors to commit to sponsorship for a minimum of a full year. These one-year minimum sponsorships may be paid in recurring monthly payments at $13 USD per month, or in one flat sum, at $150 per year.

Although committing to one year is our minimum sponsorship requirement, we highly encourage individual sponsors to support the same child throughout the full duration of their education. Long-term commitments greatly assist MASTUL Foundation in providing each sponsored child with the best possible care, and they also help facilitate rapport, trust, and productive relationships between sponsors and sponsored children. See here for our guidelines on communicating with sponsored children.


  1. Sponsorship payment options depend upon where you reside. Sponsors living in Bangladesh may provide payments with a credit or debit card, or through Bkash Mobile money transfer. Through these methods, sponsors can also choose to pay via one-time payments or to sign up for automatically recurring payments. Bangladesh-based sponsors may also provide payments by sending a check or money order to MASTUL Foundation’s local mailing address.

Internationally-based sponsors can submit payments through PayPal or International transaction process.

  1. If you have selected a recurring payment plan, payments will automatically recur until you request termination. If you opt not to select a recurring payment plan, MASTUL Foundation will provide you with advanced notice via email when it is time to submit your next payment.

If MASTUL Foundation does not receive your sponsorship payment, you will receive a notification via email to inform you that your account is overdue. We will provide you with a 30-day grace period, but if we still have not received your payment within 30 days, we will terminate your sponsorship. You are welcome to apply to sponsor again at any time, but we cannot guarantee that you will be able to sponsor the same child.


  1. If you would like to sponsor a child, please see out child booklet to select a child to sponsor. You may also send us an email if you would prefer MASTUL Foundation to select a child for you. If you contact us via email, you are welcome to request that MASTUL Foundation assign you to a child based upon a preferred child profile (gender, location, age, etc.). We cannot guarantee the availability of a child who fits your preferred profile, but we will do our best to arrange matches between sponsors and children.

Once you have selected (or have been assigned) a child, you must fill out and submit our online child sponsorship form or paper form. Please note that it takes between two to three weeks to set up your sponsorship account once we receive your sponsorship application.


  1. MASTUL Foundation reserves the right to change which child you sponsor at any time. Children’s eligibility for our child sponsorship program can fluctuate based upon numerous factors such as family relocations, breaches in sponsorship terms and conditions, or gains in family income and environment that render MASTUL Foundation’s services unnecessary. Should your sponsored child lose eligibility for our child sponsorship program for any reason, we will notify you via email. We will automatically reassign you to a new child, or if no eligible children are available at the time, we will redirect your sponsorship monies to another MASTUL Foundation program until an eligible child is available for sponsorship.

If at any point you wish to terminate your sponsorship, MASTUL Foundation requests a 3-month advance notice by email or phone so that we can make arrangements to find alternative sponsorship and prevent the child from losing access to the services that they benefited from while under your sponsorship.

Under no circumstances will sponsorship payments be refunded—neither partially nor fully.


  1. All sponsors will be provided with additional information about their sponsored child after applying for sponsorship, including confirmation for where the child will be attending school and in what kind of conditions they will study. Sponsors will then receive quarterly progress reports with updates on how the child and their family are doing.

Additionally, all sponsors will receive regular MASTUL Foundation newsletters that provide updates on our other programs and community impact.


  1. We highly recommend that sponsors communicate with their sponsored children and arrange to visit them in person, if possible. For the safety, security, and privacy of all parties involved, however, MASTUL Foundation will facilitate all communications and visits. MASTUL Foundation does not release to sponsors the contact information of the child or the child’s family, nor will MASTUL Foundation release to a sponsored child or the child’s family the contact information of their sponsor.
  2. Written Communication: With exception to arranging a visitation, MASTUL Foundation only accepts written communication between sponsors and sponsored children, and only accepts up to four communications per year. MASTUL Foundation provides guidelines for what kind of written communication is appropriate for sponsors to send and what kinds or not. If proper guidelines for written communication have not been followed, MASTUL Foundation reserves the right to not forward your communications to the sponsored child.
  3. Visitations: It is an exciting and extraordinarily meaningful experience when MASTUL Foundation sponsors are able to arrange a visitation. Not only does a visitation allow sponsors to meet their sponsored child and see first-hand the positive work that their funds are contributing towards, it also demonstrates to the child and their family how important they, and their well-being, are.

Visitations must be scheduled in advance; unannounced visits are absolutely prohibited. Please contact us if you would like to arrange a visit. Our staff will assist you at every step to ensure that you are safe, comfortable, and well cared for. We will provide you with valuable information on your sponsored child’s progress, school, home life, and community and will also instruct you with procedures to follow while meeting with the child and their family. We are happy to assist with any other helpful materials or travel advice that can help you make the most of your visit. In our program inviting sponsored child at your home or any other place is strongly discouraged.

For visitations from locally-based sponsors, please notify us at least 1-2 weeks in advance of your intended visit so that we have time to make proper arrangements. For visitations from sponsors who will be traveling to Bangladesh, please contact us at least two months in advance if you will need MASTUL Foundation to assist you with planning your transport, lodging, or other matters. Otherwise, 2-3 weeks in advance will suffice.


  1. If you have any questions or concerns about the sponsorship process and its terms and conditions, please contact us. We are happy to discuss the process with you and assist you in your sponsorship decisions.

Email us:  mastulfoundation@gmail.com

Call us: +88 01730 48 22 79

Other ways to donate


The City Bank PLC

Acc Name: MASTUL Foundation

Acc No: 1401873750001

New Market Branch


Routing Number: 225263527


Islami Bank PLC

Acc Name: MASTUL Foundation

Acc No: 20502050204462112

Dhanmondi Branch


Routing Number: 125261182

Pay Online
Donate Here

BKASH (Payment) 01730482278

NAGAD (Payment) 01730482279

NAGAD (Send Money) 01730482277

Bkash/Nagad (Send Money) 01321146612

Call us on: 01730482279

Email: mastulfoundation@gmail.com

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